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Les bulots (The Whelks)
Gastronomic vocal perfromance | gallery Le praticable, Rennes | 2015
A sound poem for whelks. In 2 parts, the first one performed during the opening and the second one during the closing of the exhibition Un Continent chronophage at the gallery Le Praticable.
In the first part I recited a sound poem to a bunch of whelks grouped in a bowl and then offered them to eat at the audience. In the second part I recited the rest of this sound poem to the empty shells of the same whelks.
プラティカブルギャラリーでの「Un Continent chronophage」というグループ展に向けて書いた詩。二部構成になっており、一つ目はオープニングでボウルに入ったいくつかの巻貝に対して詩を読み上げた後、鑑賞者にそれらを食してもらった。二つ目はクロージングでそれらの殻に対して詩を読み上げた。
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